Chapter 14:
In Chapter 14, Scout asked Atticus if she can go to Calpurnia's house next Sunday, but Aunt Aexander immediately said no. Scout rudely said that she didn't ask her, and Atticus was mad and told her to apologize. He also told her to listen to her Aunt and Scout was mad and rushed into the bathroom. Aunt Alexander warned Atticus about her behavior. Later that night, when Jem told Scout to listen and stop being rude to Aunty, Scout got mad and Jem spanked her and then a fight started. Atticus broke it up and Scout went to her room. When she was in there, she found Dill, who ran away from home. Atticus told his aunt, who lived next door, and told Dill he could stay over one night. Dill went to sleep with Jem in his room, but then he moved into Scout's room and slept with her.
infallible (pg.142)adj. – to be never wrong
manacles (pg.142)v. - handcuffs
taut (pg.139)adj. -to tightly stretch
antagonize (pg.140)v. - to oppose and make angry

Probing Questions
Why wouldn't Aunt Alexander let Scott go to Calpurnia's home?
Was spanking Scout neccessary for Jem? Is he acting too mature for his age?
Character Development
Atticus: Atticus is beginning to change and is starting to agree with Aunt Alexander about his parenting. Although, he is starting to change his ways of parenting, he still let them decide on their own decisions, such as Scott being a Tomboy.
Jem: Jem's is growing up too much. He wants to be mature and understand the adult world but I think he is pushing himself too hard. You can see that when he spank Scout, it was obvious he is trying to act like an adult.
Chapter 15:
In Chapter 15, Tom Robinson was sent to Maycomb jail and Atticus went to stand guard so no one would get to him. Later at night, Jem, Scout, and Dill sneaked out of the house to the town to see if Atticus was alright. They soon saw a big mob of angry people after Tom Robinson. They ordered Atticus to move, but he did not. Suddenly Scout jumped into Atticus's arms, but he was not happy to see them. He told Jem, Dill, and Scout to go home, but they refused. Scout then saw Mr. Cunningham and began to talk to him, but he pretended to notice her. Scout told him that Walter's doing fine, and she asked him to say hi to him for her but he did not respond. After Scout questioned him and asked him why he wasn't answering her, he finally said yes to say "hi" to Walter. After that the mob went away, and Atticus received a thank you from Tom and everyone went home.
uncouth (pg.156)adj. – to be crude
stifle (pg.149)v. - to hold back
impassive (pg.156)adj. - to show no emotions or feelings
Supporting Images
Plot Development
This chapter has a very interesting plot. I think that this is one of the most important chapters in the story because it reflects on how mostly all of Maycomb finds Tom Robinson guilty. If Jem, Scott, and Dill haden't came into the conflict, the mob would've pushed Atticus down and killed Tom. Scott really helped the plot in this story because of her talk with Mr. Cunningham.
Chapter 16:
In Chapter 16, everyone was getting ready for the trail, except for Miss Muadie. Jem and Scott asked why she wasn't going, but she just said that the trail is morbid. In the morning, Atticus left for the trail and the children sneaked out again to see it. when they got there, they stood way up on the balcony and the trail began. They saw Atticus sitting but facing his back to them. They knew that he didn't know he was there.
fey (pg.158)adj. – strange, odd, weird
elucidate (pg.162)v. - to explain

Plot Development
Its the day of the trail and things are juicing up. The main conflict/climax of the novel is beginning to risen. I think Scout, Jem, and Dill sneaking out was a bad idea since Atticus warned them not to go down town but I think that this trial and climax of the story will help Scott and Jem to realize and witness what the adult world is like.
William Jennings Bryan - Lived from 1860 – 1925; he a nominee for President of the U.S. in 1896. He is one of the most famous and popular speakers in American history.
Braxton Bragg - He lived from 1817 - 1876 and he was leader and genneral of the Confederate States Army.