Chapter 10:
In Chapter 10, a mad dog appeared in Maycomb and Jem and Scout were the first one to discover it. They soon told Calpurnia, and she rushed from house to house telling about the loose dog. When Atticus came home and saw the dog at a distance, he grabbed his shotgun and fired a shot at the dog. The dog died and Maycomb was relieved.
Feeble (pg.93)adj. – to be weak
Gingerly (pg.102)adv. - to be cautious, careful
Mad dog (pg.97)adj. + n. - a dog that have diseases and rabies
Peril (pg.96)n. - danger
Probing Questions
Where did the mad dog come from?
What was the dog looking for?
Supporting Images
Chapter 11:
In Chapter 11, Mrs. Dubose appeared in the story. Scout described her to be an old lady who lives alone and is rude and mean. Every time Jem and Scout passed by her house she would always Scout something rude to them. Jem and Scout hated her, but Atticus always said to be kind and treat her with respect because she was old and sick. One day when they were passing through her house she shouted something awful about Atticus and him defending a black man, Jem lost his temper and destroyed Mrs. Dubose camellia bushes. When Atticus heard about it, Jem got a punishment of reading to Mrs. Dubose everyday when he got home from school. After a little over a month, Mrs. Dubose died and Jem received a gift from her. It was a box and in it was white camellia.
Apoplectic (pg.104)adj. – condition of being paralyzed
Camellia (pg.107)n. - a rose-like flower
Commence (pg.111)v. - to begin

Comment on Character Development
Jem: Because of this chapter, Jem's personality shows more. It shows that if anyone does a wrong or insult someone he cares about he looses control. I think that's why Mrs. Dubose is in this book; to help revile Jem's inner personality, but I also think that she was in here to show that not everyone is all bad. I think Jem realizes this when he received the gift from Mrs. Dubose after her death.
Atticus: Atticus has also changed in this chapter because of Mrs. Dubose. Her ways of strength, courage, and bravery throughout this chapter really help Atticus realize and be strong for future things to come. I really think Mrs. Dubose has influenced Atticus in these ways.
Comment on Plot Development
We learned that Mrs. Dubose is a very old women who lives alone, and that she is very mean and cranky but she has a lot of bravery to get through the tough things that she was going through. Mrs. Dubose introduce an emerging theme in the text and it is to keep on fighting in what you believe in. She showed bravery and how to always have the courage to go on even though there's an easier way out and even though you know that in the end you might not win. I think that Mrs. Dubose is in this novel because I believe that she has set these example to Atticus, and I think that these examples may help him later on in the novel. I think that Mrs. Dubose has also set an example to Jem by how at the end, he realizes that Mrs. Dubose isn't so bad. I think the main lesson to Jem was to look deeper into people and realize that there's more to them than what the eye can see.
The Function Of Part 1
I think that the purpose of part one of To Kill a Mockingbird is to warm up the book to get it ready for the raising action of the novel in part two. I think that part one is just a way to show foreshadowing and details to make the story interesting and to catch the reader's attention on the growth and the changing personalities of Scout, Jem, and Atticus. I also think that Harper Lee separated the book into two parts because I believe that the first part she wanted to explain Scout's childhood and the things around her before she starts telling about the main key of the book in part two.
Background Information
Morphine (drug that killed Mrs. Dubose) -used for severe pain that helps reduce pain in the brain.It can be addictive.
Chapter 12:
Jem was now 12 years old and he became to be annoyed by Scout, and he told her to stop bothering him. Jem told Scott that she should act more like a girl. Scott was frustrated and couldn't wait until Dill came back. Atticus, as a a member of the state legislature had to leave everyday to go to the state capital for two weeks. One day Calpurnia decided to bring Jem and Scout to her black chruch. When Jem and Scout were there, they felt uncomfortable but they learned about Tom Robinson a little and how people believe Mr. Edwell's story of the day that Tom was accused for raping his daughter. When they got home from the church, they found Aunt Alexander waiting for them.
Voile (pg.126)n. – a thin, cotton fabric
dispelled (pg.122)v. - to be driven away
boded (pg.118)v. - to continue

Comment on Plot Development
The episode at Calpurnia's Church is important to the development of the story because it explained a little about Tom Robinson and and about his wife not being able to work. This chapter is important to the novel because it help explains why Tom Robinson was in jail and how it affected his family. If Scout and Jem didn't go to Calpurnia's Church they wouldn't have found out why Tom's wife didn't work or why he was in jail. The Church supported Tom Robinson's wive and collecting money for her since she can't work cause her husband's in jail and because she has three children to take care of.
Comment on Character Development
Jem: He has changed a lot. He is more into being independent than playing with Scott. He likes football and enjoys reading magazines. Jem is also learning how to be a mature young man. I think Jem is growing up too fast though bcause he doesn't have anytime for Scout anymore.
Scout: Scout, in this chapter is growing and understanding more about whats going on. She is learning but also seems to be wondering around lost and confused.
Chapter 13:
In Chapter 13, Aunt Alexander moved in to help the house and provide some support. Maycomb welcomed her and she was fitting in Maycomb very well. After seeing how Atticus raise his children, she told him that he should be more stern and more demanding with them. Atticus listen to her, but it only made Scout cry.
Flighty (pg.132)adj. – to be foolish, irresponsible
Sluggish (pg.130)adj. - to be lacking energy, lazy
Tactful (pg.130)adj. - to say something truthful to a person without offending that person.
Supporting Images
Comment on Plot Development
Scout: Scout is learning that she can't always have things her way and that she has to listen to those who are older than her.