Chapter 1:

Asylum (pg. 11)n. – a place for protection and care for the mental ill or aged.

Jem Finch – a nine year old boy who seems to not like it when a person, like Dill, humiliates him.
Dill or also known as Charles Baker Harris – a seven year old boy who likes to hang out with Jem and Scout and trying to make Boo Radley come out of his home.
Boo Radley also known as Arthur – a mysterious man who some people say comes out at night and scares you. He is very independent and seems scary to everyone in Maycomb.

Chapter 2:

Sentimentality (pg. 19)n. – to be sentimental; expressing tender feelings

Chapter 3:
In chapter 3 Scout and Jem took Walter to their home for lunch. Walter was treated kindly by Jem, Atticus, and Calpurnia, but Scout didn’t tolerate him. Jem and Walter walked ahead to school while Scout headed back to school alone. At school, we encounter a member of the Ewells’ family who didn’t follow Maycomb’s laws and was a disgrace. Ewells’ children only go to school the first day because the law could only hold them down for only the first day of school. His name was Burris and he was a mean dirty boy who made Miss Caroline cried and headed home. When school was over, Jem and Scout faced to meet Atticus. They told them about their day and Calpurnia had forgotten her anger against Scout. Scout told Atticus that Miss Caroline told her to tell him not to teach her reading and writing. Scout no longer wanted to go to school. Atticus helps her realize that she has to and he made a promise to her that they would keep on reading but without telling Miss Caroline.
Dispensation (pg. 23)n. – releasing from a law/ rule
Molasses (pg. 24)n. – sugar refining syrup
Erratic (pg. 24)adj. – not being predictable; the telling of the future
Kerosene (pg. 26)n. – flammable oil that is colorless
Monosyllabic (pg. 28)adj. – saying something very little and being unhelpful

Important Quotes
“ ‘There’s some folks who don’t eat like us,’ she whispered fiercely, ‘but you ain’t called on to contradict ‘em at the table when they don’t. That boy’s yo’ comp’ny and if he wants to eat up the table cloth you let him, you hear?’” This quote was taken out of the conversation between Calpurnia and Scout. The way Calpurnia had spoken these words to Scout seemed like she treats Scout like her own daughter by how she tries to teach her about things that are acceptable, and are not acceptable.
“‘Have you ever considered that Jem doesn’t worry her half as much?’” This quote said by Atticus really reflects that Scout’s personality and behavior by how it explains that she is kind of troublesome, and hard to handle.
Comment on Character Development
Jem – Is a 5th grade her he isn’t like Scott. He’s different and respectful to other people, and he doesn’t like getting into fights, but out of them.